Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ah Ha moment!

This week I have focused on Mandala's and what it means to create such patterns. I have to say I am literally in awe of how much this style of art fits into my life. I have always felt that drawing was a form of meditation for me and this form has proven to be true. The idea of starting something from the center and letting things come together gradually from there is naturally the way I like to work anyway.  I never go into a piece knowing what it will be like, it's alway spontaneous and evolves as I work. Mandala's are a form of creating that is so stress free and I literally feel like they just appear from my fingertips. I find myself starting one and the next thing I know it's 4 hours later and I have a new one. Where does the time go when something so free and relaxing engages you? It's amazing what goes through my mind too especially when I'm working in black and white. I'm not even thinking about color combinations just the lines as I draw them one at a time.  The last image is one I've started that has some green tones in it. I'm thinking green today because everything outside is so lush at the moment!! Needless to say after chattering excitedly about these, I will most likely be posting many more of these Mandala's as I drift off into many more meditative moments.
This is a poster I created for my pen and ink class. 

This is the one with some green tones..............hmmmm I think I prefer the black and white ones better!


  1. Becca I like the greenish one try some more!

  2. Doodle land is my favorite! but, you know I LOVE black and white! YAY!

  3. Hi Rebecca,

    I love them Both but I really love the Black and White.
    Hugs and can't wait to see more.

  4. Beautiful mandala's Rebecca. I haven't drawn one for ages and it is so meditative for me too.

  5. honestly, I can't post on the newest post, but this one I can. I don't know if it will work when I go topost it tho I will try. I am enjoying your writing and art so much this evening. Also lets not forget learning. Wonderful expressions and designs.
